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    huisjes transpGeneral rental conditions



    1. The parties enter into a lease and rental agreement regarding a furnished holiday home located in: 03579 Orxeta, Alicante, Spain at Carrer Major 89  , hereinafter referred to as 'the rented property'.
    2. Only persons aged 25 and older are considered to enter into a rental agreement. The rented property may not be occupied by more than the number of persons agreed upon. The tenant is not permitted to (sub)let or allow the use of the rented property in whole or in part to others. Access to the rented property will be denied to the tenant if there are more people in the house than agreed. If (at a later date) without the knowledge of the landlord or his representative, extra persons are staying on site, this is a reason for the landlord to terminate the rental agreement prematurely, without refund of rent.
    3. After the tenant has made a reservation, he will receive a confirmation from the landlord within 5 days, the 'Manual and house rules guests of Casa Oliveira' and a request for payment. The lessor requests the lessee to check these documents for accuracy and to report any inaccuracies immediately. If the tenant has not received a confirmation of receipt within 10 days after making the reservation, we request that he contact him immediately, failing which no claim can be made on the reservation. An agreement is concluded between the tenant and the landlord when the reservation is confirmed and the first payment has been received. The agreement concerns the rental of a holiday home for recreational use, which by its nature is short-term.
    4. No pets are allowed in the rented property. Smoking and drug use are also not allowed. In the event of suspected or actually established drug use, the tenant and other users will be immediately denied access to the property without the right to a refund of the rent paid by the tenant.
    5. The rental price is the amount for the use of the holiday home, including use of the permanent inventory, and excluding deposit, actual consumption of electricity at € 0.40 per KwH (initial and final readings are determined and submitted to the landlord), excluding costs for briquette consumption for the wood stove, excluding the use of pellet pellets for the pellet stove and excluding the final cleaning costs of € 150,-. All these costs will be deducted from the deposit due.
    6. Included are bath, bed and kitchen linen, normal consumption of water, WiFi, the available quantities: shampoo, shower gel, toilet paper, dishwasher tablets and detergent. Any additional supplies are at the expense of the tenant.


    The rental period starts on the agreed starting day and ends automatically after the agreed rental period has expired.
    Unless agreed otherwise with the tenants, the rented property is available from 3:00 PM on the day the rental period commences and the rented property must be vacated before 11:00 AM on the last day of the rental period. Check-in takes place through a key safe in which the keys are stored. The access code to the safe will be communicated to the tenant after the final conclusion of the rental agreement and receipt of the total rental amount. This code may not be transferred. The tenant receives the keys on loan and is never entitled to keep and/or duplicate keys after departure. On the day of departure, the keys must be left in the key safe, and the access code must be set to: 0000.

    • In case of loss, theft or otherwise of the key, €50 will be charged, to be deducted from the deposit paid.


    The holiday home is made available to a maximum of 4 people.


    The rent must be paid as follows:

    • 50% to be paid no later than 1 week after receipt of the confirmation of this agreement into the bank account of the lessor.
    • 50% + deposit to be paid no later than 6 weeks before the start of your stay on the bank account of the landlord.
    • If the start of the rental takes place within a period of 6 weeks after signing and confirmation, the tenant must pay 100% of the rental price + the deposit.
    • If the down payment has not been received within the period of 7 days after signing and receipt of the rental agreement, this rental agreement will be terminated by operation of law.
    • By paying a term of, or the entire rent, you confirm that you have read and agree to this rental agreement. The rental ends automatically after the agreed period has expired.
    • In the event of late payment of the amounts invoiced to you, you will be in default immediately after the payment term has expired. In that case we reserve the right to cancel your reservation and dissolve the agreement.

     5. DEPOSIT

    The deposit amounts to € 450.00 and serves to guarantee damage and/or costs - in the broadest sense of the word - that the landlord may suffer in the event of non-compliance with the obligations of the tenant as a good tenant and the person(s) who accompany the tenant.

    The tenant pays the deposit mentioned in advance and no later than 6 weeks before the start of the rental agreement into a bank account to be provided by the landlord. At the end of the lease, the landlord will repay this deposit after deduction of what the tenant owes the landlord (see Article 1) and any damage caused by the tenant and/or users.

    If the deposit is not sufficient, the landlord can hold the tenant liable for the excess.


    If, for whatever reason, the tenant is unable, unwilling or will not accept the rented property on the agreed date, he must immediately inform the landlord of this. A telephone communication of this must be confirmed by email via:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Cancellation conditions:

    • If canceled within 48 hours after payment of the first payment, a full refund of the booking amount will apply.
    • If canceled up to 6 weeks before the start of the stay, the cancellation costs are 50% of the rental price
    • In case of cancellation from the 6th to the 4th week before the start of the stay, the cancellation costs amount to 60% of the rental price
    • In case of cancellation from the 4th week to the first day of stay, the cancellation costs amount to 90% of the rental price
    • In case of cancellation on the first day of stay or later, the cancellation costs are 100% of the rental price.
    • If the tenant has not arrived within 24 hours after the agreed arrival date without further notice, this will be regarded as a cancellation and 100% of the rental price will be due.

    If the tenant terminates his stay prematurely after arrival, the landlord does not owe a refund to the tenant.

    The tenant is advised to take out cancellation insurance.


    The landlord is obliged to make the rented property available to the tenant in good condition on the agreed date and time.


    The tenant is obliged to use the rented property properly and to leave the rented property in good condition, neat and tidy. Final cleaning costs are not included in the rental price and will be deducted from the deposit paid. On departure, the tenant must: empty all waste bins, return crockery cleanly to the appropriate cupboards, do all the dishes, empty the dishwasher, leave the fridge/freezer clean and empty, put garden cushions inside, windows and doors close, switch off lighting, fans and heaters, close both front doors with the keys, store keys in the key safe, reset the code to 0000 and take the meter readings and pass them on to the landlord. Moving cupboards, beds, TV or taking any part of the inventory outside - with the exception of glassware, crockery, etc. - is expressly not permitted.

    The “Manual and house rules for Casa Oliveira guests” is an integral part of this rental agreement.

    9. DAMAGE

    The tenant is liable for damage to the rented property, including damage to or loss of (part of) the inventory, including locks and keys, caused during the rental period, unless the tenant can demonstrate that the damage to him, his family members or guests cannot be are attributed. It is therefore important that you have third-party insurance and travel insurance valid abroad.

    The amount paid out to the lessor under any insurance policy will be deducted from the damage amount. Damage must be reported to the lessor immediately.

    The lessor accepts no responsibility or liability for damage or inconvenience in any form and by any cause whatsoever for and/or to the tenant, users or others who are in or near the rented property.


    The costs of normal maintenance and repair of defects are for the account of the lessor. If defects occur, the tenant must immediately notify the landlord and follow his instructions as much as possible. Any costs incurred by the tenant in this connection will be reimbursed to the tenant by the landlord on submission of itemized invoices, if the landlord has given its approval.


    If the lessor does not fulfill his obligations, the lessee has the right to demand fulfillment and/or compensation. If the breach of contract gives sufficient cause to do so, the tenant has the right to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention. If the tenant wishes to make use of this right, he must immediately inform the landlord of this in writing and with reasons. In that case, the lessor will immediately repay the rent in whole or in part, depending on the nature and duration of the breach of contract. The tenant retains the right to compensation.

    It is noted here that the lessor cannot be held responsible for any disruption, change or prevention of the tenant's stay, if this is the result of unforeseen or insurmountable events beyond his control. Nor can the lessor be held responsible for inconveniences caused by the work of third parties.
    The lessor declines any responsibility for loss, theft or damage to luggage and personal belongings, as well as for costs arising from the failure to reach the rented property on time as a result of delay or otherwise.


    If the tenant has not paid the rent on the due date or fails to fulfill other obligations under this agreement, the intermediary has the right to demand performance and/or compensation. If the breach of contract gives sufficient cause to do so, the lessor has the right to dissolve the agreement without the intervention of the court. If the landlord wishes to make use of this right, he must immediately inform the tenant of this in writing and with reasons. The lessor retains the right to compensation.


    In the event of complaints, the tenant must turn to the landlord. Leaving the rented property prematurely without prior consultation and mutual consent releases the lessor from any obligation to pay compensation.